Message plugin demo

This demo demonstrates the message plugin. The plugin allows you to show custom messages

When playing the video you should see a greeting in the beginning and in the end of the video.

Sample implementation

var player = window.player = flowplayer("#player", { src: "//" , title: "native / message" }) player.on(, function () { player.emit(, { message: "Hello there!", timeout: 5000 }) }) player.on("ended", function () { player.emit(, { message: "Bye bye!" , sticky: true } ) });


<!-- <head> -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//" />

<!-- <body> -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

HTML code

<div id="player"></div>


var player = flowplayer("#player", {
 token: "eyJraWQiOiJxaEZ6dWR4dmJuTDMiLCJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiJ9.eyJjIjoie1wiYWNsXCI6NixcImlkXCI6XCJxaEZ6dWR4dmJuTDNcIixcImRvbWFpblwiOltcImZsb3dwbGF5ZXIuY29tXCJdfSIsImlzcyI6IkZsb3dwbGF5ZXIifQ.pdpIEfbRN_6P-ayyNsEazPPPjr0RSmd8SjJyqp8w8BYXTYsg11FjCODutzLZ6jkSm5hHTqfg05cCVuHcFIfI1w"
 , src: "//"
 , title: "native / message"
// show a message when playback started
player.on(, function () {
    player.emit(, {
        // we override the default of 3 seconds and show the message for 5
        timeout: 5000,
        message: "Hello there!"

// show a message when playback ended
player.on("ended", function () {
        { message: "Bye bye!"
        , sticky:  true

Use your own token when adapting this.

Standalone demo

message plugin demo
