MRSS listing of videos

Returns a list of videos for a site/workspace as an MRSS feed. By default it returns the 20 most recent public videos on the site/workspace, but with the parameters you change the number of returning videos as well as the order of the list. This request will only return published videos and the definition of a published video is when its publish date has passed and the value of the published/visible in vod parameter is true. The video will only be displayed when both of these requirements are satisfied.

Table of contents

Resource URL{a:site|workspace}/{id}/videos/mrss


Variables that occur in this part of the API:

    • Name
    • Description
    • id Required
    • Site id for the video's site/workspace
    • sort_by
    • Specifies the attribute on which the videos should be ordered. The possible attributes to sort by: created_at, published_at, name, updated_at and duration.
    • sort_order
    • Specifies the order in which the videos should be ordered. Possible values: desc or asc.
    • page
    • Specifies the page of results to retrieve. Default is 1.
    • page_size
    • Specifies the number of videos to try and retrieve, up to a maximum of 200, with the default value 20.
    • feed_type
    • Will add feed_type specific title to the response. Supports either roku or mrss, default is mrss.
    • category_id
    • Specify one or multiple category ids to filter out videos on those categories. Use , as delimiter between multiple category id:s. Example category_id_1,category_id_2.
    • tags
    • Specify one or multiple tag names to filter out videos on those tags. Use , as delimiter between multiple tag name:s. Example tag1,tag2.
    • tags_include_mode
    • Specify the tag inclusion mode, if the case. Values to use: all (a video will be listed in the feed only if all the given tags are set on it), any (if any of the given tags are set on the video, then the video will be listed in the feed)
    • tags_exclude_mode
    • Specify the tag exclusion mode, if the case. Values to use: all (a video will be listed in the feed only if NONE of the given tags are set on it), any (if any of the given tags are set on the video, then the video will NOT be listed in the feed)

The default value when tags is used is tags_include_mode=any. Parameters tags_include_mode and tags_exclude_mode can not be used at the same time.

Attention: make sure your videos are not marked as "exclude from endscreens and dynamic playlists" if you want to show them in MRS feeds.


Requires authentication? Response formats HTTP method

Request examples


This example request will return videos 1 to 20 for site/workspace with id=<your_site_id>, that don't have any of tag1 or tag2 set, ordered by created in ascending order.<your_site_id>/videos/mrss?page=1&page_size=20&sort_by=created_at&sort_order=asc&tags=tag1,tag2&tags_exclusion_mode=any
