Server-Side Ad Insertion


This plugin allows to play Server-Side Ad Insertion streams.


For the manual Javascript setup, include the plugin script next to the core player:

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

Player and plugins exist in different release versions. Please see the release channel documentation.


The SSAI plugin is configured under the src namespace.

DAI Configuration

    • property
    • description
    • type
    • 'google/dai' to indicate that a Google DAI stream is used
    • src
    • the DAI enabled stream
    • contentSrcId
    • the contentSourceID from IMA DAI SDK used to determine the content source of the stream
    • videoId
    • the videoId from IMA DAI SDK used to determine which specific video stream should be played
    • assetKey
    • the assetKey from IMA DAI SDK used to determine which live stream should be played

DAI VOD Sample code:

var player = flowplayer('#container',
    { src: [
        { contentSrcId  : "123456"
        , videoId       : "test-video-id"
        , type          : "google/dai"
        , src           : ""
    }] }

DAI Live Sample code:

var player = flowplayer('#container',
    { src: [
        { assetKey  : "sN_IYUG8STe12345_ksA"
        , type      : "google/dai"
        , src       : ""
    }] }

Yospace Configuration

    • property
    • description
    • type
    • 'yospace' to indicate that a Yospace stream is used
    • src
    • the Yospace stream

Yospace Sample code:

var player = flowplayer('#container',
    { src: [
        { type  : "yospace"
        , src   : ""

API Events

SSAI related events can be found from and listened to using normal event listeners. Available events:

    • event
    • description
    • Fired when an ad starts to show
    • Fired when the current ad ends
    • Fired when the current ad progresses