
Configure ads in the platform

If FlowplayerView was prepared with a valid FlowplayerMedia then a Flowplayer config will be fetched and all the ads that are included in this config will automatically play at their specified time offsets.

If, however, you wish to prepare FlowplayerView with an ExternalMedia and you need to add ads for this video, then there are two options:

If, however, you wish to prepare FlowplayerView with an ExternalVideo and you need to add ads for this video, then there are two options - Use an external VMAP file or create ad breaks manually

Use an external VMAP file

Create an ExternalMedia with a URL to an ad playlist, such as VMAP:

val externalMedia = ExternalMedia("", "")

Creating ad breaks manually

Create an ExternalMedia with a list of AdBreak objects, where each AdBreak consists of one or more ad tag URLs (such as VAST) and an offset which indicates the time when the break should start. The following example creates an ad schedule that consists of:

  • a pre-roll break with a single ad,
  • a mid-roll break with three ads which starts 15 seconds into the playback,
  • a post-roll break with a single ad.
val preRollBreak = AdBreak("", AdBreak.Roll.PRE)

val midRolls = arrayListOf("", "", "")
val midRollBreak = AdBreak(midRolls, 15)    

val postRollBreak = AdBreak("", AdBreak.Roll.POST)

val adSchedule = arrayListOf(preRollBreak, midRollBreak, postRollBreak)

val externalMedia = ExternalMedia("", adSchedule)